On the home screen, adapted to the user's role, most of the main functions are available. All button colors reflect the access of the logged-in user.
The application offers a multitude of configuration options, including a fairly complex API key system for accessing application data from other systems.
System users have different roles, depending on their individual responsibilities. responsibilities. In the administration area, administrator and user roles are staff members are managed separately.
A calendar for global display of all tasks, providing an overview of all tasks and time slots, as well as the number of slots already reserved.
Task creation can be sorted by task group for greater visibility and easier sorting. Several types of task can be created in the application. Among other things, they can be restricted or used to manage attendance.
Simple email management with templates and mailing lists.
Using the contextual menu is both simple and effective, allowing you to manage the entire application with a single click of the mouse. It's both visual and intuitive.
In addition to allowing staff to register for a time slot of their choice, administrators also have the option of assigning time slots to staff, either from the task list or using the staff list.
The application allows data to be exported in a number of ways. In addition to the access already mentioned via API keys, it is also possible to access several listings in PDF and/or Microsoft Excel format.
For tasks defined as "presence tasks", it is possible to manage the presence of a team. In a mask in the form of a presence table.
Staff members can be grouped into teams, making it easier to manage a team's attendance or display its availability.
To avoid loading several pages and having to navigate between them, most operations are performed through dialog boxes and masks.
On the "My account" page, users and/or staff members can modify their personal data. They can manage their personal preferences and configure their contact options.
Staff members don't need to have a user account and password to log in, there are other ways for them to do so: Login via a code sent by e-mail, or using their Facebook or Google accounts.
The initial view for staff members is a little different from that for administrators, and includes the ability to search through time slots and book them via a shopping cart system.
The list of proposed time slots can be filtered using the four drop-down filters, allowing participants to choose their preferred tasks/time slots.
A staff member can pre-book a time slot for 30 minutes. During this time, these time slots remain in the basket. They can then validate their basket to confirm the reservation, or remove them from the basket to free them up.
Members can view the list of time slots they have reserved. In addition to this display, platform users can activate push notifications to receive a reminder one week before the date of the reserved time slot.
Contact information, configured in the backend by the administrators, is displayed for staff members directly on the tab bar. So that everyone has their contact information at hand.